
Archive for 02010


Five Simple Steps: Designing with Data

Over the last 6-7 months, I have been working on an introductory book. It is over 40,000 words on the topic of charts and graphs. It is more interesting that it sounds. I managed to sneak past the editor sections about crop-circles and the holy grail.

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Geonames Maps

Using geonames’ free data set and a few quick lines of scripting, it was possible to convert a table of boring data in to a sovereign country. Even on a blank page, the borders are distinctly visible without the need to draw them explicitly.

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Miracle Fruit Berries

The Miracle Fruit Berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) is a real fruit, not some chemical concoction. After dissolving the Miracle Fruit in your mouth, sour food tastes sweet. This was something to strange to believe, so as an experiment, we ordered and tested them on various sour food products.

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PaperNet Boarding Pass

In an attempt to infuse some aspects of the Internet into an airlines boarding pass, many lessons where learnt about the airlines industries’ needs and requirements. This is a look from a prototype to a final product of an international airlines printable boarding pass with a touch of useful dynamic data.

Read more about PaperNet Boarding Pass

Vertical Slices

What if we froze this moment in time it constantly was replaying over and over again, but you could move freely around and see it from any angle. How would that change your perspective, your outlook and the decisions you would make?

Read more about Vertical Slices