Formed in 02010, (optional.is) is a small privately owned company based in Reykjavik, Iceland. It is loosely made-up of several people who work on various future thinking projects.
We specialise in creating simplifying complex datasets and dashboards for companies like QuizUp and PwC.
Laufásvegur 26,
101 Reykjavik,
Kt. 520521-0540
VAT №. 141140
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
- 1st April 02009: Domain Registered
- 7th Feb 02011: Slf incorporated (week #1)
- 12th May 02021: Ehf incorporated
- 12th Feb 02025: Weeknumber #731
Naming things
The official, registered name of the company is Optional Ehf., but it is commonly written as (optional.is) including the parenthesis and the "dot" "i" "s" all in lowercase letters. It is pronounced “Optional dot eye ess”. This is to remind people that the domain is not a standard .com, .org or .net, but instead an Icelandic domain and company.
There is no need to include the www in our web address. https://optional.is
For more information, links, photos and logo files visit: https://optional.is/mediakit
The logo is a modified version of Futura. The letter-L is shortened, the full-stop is raised from the baseline. The parentheses are also adjusted.
Download Media FilesThe logo should used only in one color, black or white. The highest contrast between the logo and background is the color to choose.
If you need to use a white logo on a light colored background or black logo on a dark background, it can be used with an inverted border.
Rarely do we use the logo not in black or white, but variations are possible, but should avoid unless there is a good reason not too.
When using the logo inline with other text, be sure that the baseline of the logo text is the same as the surrounding characters.
Here the logo text (optional.is) is inline with written text.
Here the logo text (optional.is) is too high compared with written text.
There needs to be enough padding around the entire logo to give it enough room to “breath”. The minimum amount of space is one x-height top & bottom and 66% left & right.
Download Media FilesHanging out with @briansuda is a bit like having your personal @boingboing
@timoreilly Mar 27, 2011