


Week #260

This week we wrap-up a few projects and then begin our three months of isolationism.

Read more about Week #260

Week #259

Time flies by and we’re at another weeknote. This time we’ve been exploring some Virtual Reality.

Read more about Week #259

Week #256

Week #256 is a programmer’s goto value. We’re getting back into the swing of things in 02016 with weekly weeknotes.

Read more about Week #256

Shine-on you crazy ones!

As our devices get more and more advanced hardware, we can be wasteful with the processing power to create better experiences for the customers. The leap from command line to clickable desktop wasted thousands of pixels to always represent a trash car that’s rarely used. Now Apple has pushed back again and is wasting processing power and sensors to simulate reflections and lighting conditions in the interface. Is it wasteful, yes, is it a good idea, probably, have their raised the bar, definitely, but have they done it right?

Read more about Shine-on you crazy ones!