Week #736 & #737
A double weeknote covering not going to GDC, but still having a bunch of meetings.
Week #612-#613
A double weeknote where we go cold turkey off Twitter and don’t really miss it.
Lots of little projects starting to fall into place and a few big ones in the planning.
Week #603 & #604
A double weeknote covering lots of backend server changes in our future.
Week #181-182
Another fortnight passes with lots of random and interesting things happening. We’ve had our head down these weeks to try and manage all the projects that we have up in the air right now. Many deadlines have passed and we’re proud of the results.
PDF Creation from HTML service
If you are looking to create PDFs dynamically from HTML pages, then this project code might just save you time and effort. Follow these simple steps and have it easily running in no time.