


Week #696 & #697

A double weeknote covering a bunch of holidays and a few bigger projects.

Read more about Week #696 & #697


We all know we should have backups, but what are you actually doing about it? Here is our setup and, as always, there are improvements to be made.

Read more about Backups

Week #555

5-5-5 is a nice palendromic number! We spent a lot of time this week on internal things; planning, prepping and projects.

Read more about Week #555

A few things you might not have known about email

Sometimes email is considered a Web 1.0 technology, when in fact it predates the web. SMTP is part of the most basic plumbing on the net and has several advantages over newer, faster, “real-time” interactions.

Read more about A few things you might not have known about email