Material: Responsive Clothing – Nina Walia
The Web has been about utility rather than expression for a long time now. How can we use new input methods to change this?
Material: GRID Spreadsheets run the world – Hjalmar Gislason
Spreadsheets run our lives. Hjalli does a deep-dive into their cultural relevance with his newest start-up, GRID.
Exploring how the Web can empower people is certainly one of the aspects what makes the Web shine.
Read more about Material: GRID Spreadsheets run the world – Hjalmar Gislason
Material: Worldmapper – Benjamin Hennig
Worldmapper is a site which displays maps in a way you’ve probably never expected. Taking old technology of cartography and blending that with the Web produces some new and interesting opportunities.
Week #465
A busy first week back, we made a small prototype weaving pattern generator.
Material: Craft on the Web – Charlotte Dann
Charlotte Dann talks about her journey from coding web pages, through to design school, to using the web to let customers create their own custom jewellery.