Business Card Notebooks
Never be without a notebook with one the size of a business card. Plenty of wallets, phone cases and other carriers are design with business or credit cards in mind. Why not use that space for a notebook?
eSIM only iPhone
With the launch of the iPhone14, the writing is on the wall for SIM cards. While that’s great for somethings, Iceland’s Single Sign-On service is about to break!
Apple Remotes
A look at the UI for all four of the Apple Remotes produced. Spanning 17 years of technology, the number of buttons has more than doubled.
Meyrin: CERN Terminal Font
As part of the lime-mode browser hack day at CERN, we tried to simulate the original command line browser. As part of that task, we recreated the original terminal screen font.
Spimes: A Happy Birthday Story
Over a year ago, Mike Stenhouse and I wrote and pitched a small piece of design fiction around Spimes. We anchored the discussion around one man’s birthday. In the year since, we’ve flushed out the story a bit more, but it is also amazing how many of these gadgets now exist.