


NeXT Sounds

A look at the Sounds bundled with the NeXT Operating system and how there is a direct line between old Machintosh sounds, through NeXT to the iPhone.

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Week #610-#611

A double weeknote as we progress on a few projects and spend some time exploring our own little camera app.

Read more about Week #610-#611

Omnibus 02019

A look back over 02019: articles, travel, ambitions and failures. It was a good year and we’re expecting even more in 02020.

Read more about Omnibus 02019

Week #220

A look back at a short week and everything we managed to accomplish with a few meetings and time to focus on internal projects.

Read more about Week #220

Meyrin: CERN Terminal Font

As part of the lime-mode browser hack day at CERN, we tried to simulate the original command line browser. As part of that task, we recreated the original terminal screen font.

Read more about Meyrin: CERN Terminal Font