


Chained Libraries

From the middle ages up to the 18th century, books were so valuable that chains were attached to the books to prevent them from wandering off. In this day and age, books are so cheap and ubiquitous that we are less concerned about their material value. The new chains are DRM, the excuse of control and value are the same even though the digital product costs effectively nothing.

Read more about Chained Libraries

TweetCC a Creative Commons Journey

The microblogging platform Twitter has become a phenomenon and along with success comes the interest of re-purposing content. Twitter itself does not have a mechanism to license your tweets nor does it claim one. So tweetCC was created to fill that niche.

TweetCC is a simple way for you to declare how you want your tweets to be used and allow the world to easily look-up and respect your decisions. The project is one year old now and this is a quick look back at the reasons behind its creation and some current stats and developments.

Read more about TweetCC a Creative Commons Journey