Material: Flow meditation – Tristan Gribbin
Tristan walks the audience through some basic meditation techniques and we learn more about how technology is helping us achieve calm in a new and faster way.
Week #454-455
Another double weeknote. We’re still settling in, mostly focusing the last two weeks on one stealth project, with lots of paper links teasing us.
Material: Stories and the web – BBC R&D – Tristan Ferne
Tristan Ferne, the lead producer at BBC Research & Development, talks to us about stories, storytelling and how the BBC is experimenting with perceptive media.
Read more about Material: Stories and the web – BBC R&D – Tristan Ferne
Material: Fine art ingredient of the web – Goddur
The context of ideas from classical art such as the vanishing point and the perspective of the renaissance to the pixels of Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich. The devices and the tools that the creators of the web have permanently at hand.
Read more about Material: Fine art ingredient of the web – Goddur
Week #451, 452, 453
A triple weeknote as we play catch-up on a few big changes.