

A brief overview of what’s been happening in the company each week. The number of the weeknote is how many weeks old the company is since inception.


Week #735

A quick single weeknote so we can get a few other posts on track and realign our publishing schedule.

Read more about Week #735

Week #733 & #734

A double weeknote covering a bunch of new projects and ideas starting to bloom.

Read more about Week #733 & #734

Week #731 & #732

A double weeknote: we met with old friends, sent a lot of survey emails, got a handle on our back-ups and more.

Read more about Week #731 & #732

Week #729 & #730

A double weeknote covering a bunch of work, writing and weather.

Read more about Week #729 & #730

Week #727-#728

A double weeknote, mostly survey prep and some 360 panorama work.

Read more about Week #727-#728