Working online, you end-up trying to bridge communities across many different cultures, people and places. Sometimes more successfully than others. These are a list of articles about having to deal with communities and growing pains.
TweetCC a Creative Commons Journey
The microblogging platform Twitter has become a phenomenon and along with success comes the interest of re-purposing content. Twitter itself does not have a mechanism to license your tweets nor does it claim one. So tweetCC was created to fill that niche.
TweetCC is a simple way for you to declare how you want your tweets to be used and allow the world to easily look-up and respect your decisions. The project is one year old now and this is a quick look back at the reasons behind its creation and some current stats and developments.
7 Stages of a Mythic Adventure
As we build more and more products revolving around a community and a base of loyal customers, how do you turn first-time users into experts without losing them along the way?
One way to create an engaging experience is to formulate the ideas as a journey where the customer explores and slowly becomes an expert. This is just one model of a possible journey broken down into 7 mythic stages.