Week #220
A look back at a short week and everything we managed to accomplish with a few meetings and time to focus on internal projects.
Week #205
Back to weekly weeknotes as we a gearing-up for more projects in the pipeline.
Week #194-195
A double-weeknote where we spent most of it in Berlin for the Beyond Tellerrand conference, but also focusing closely on conducting a few surveys.
Week #179-180
Amidst two busy weeks there has been plenty of lunar talk. None of our projects are about space, but we did find plenty of interesting links to other people’s.
The Albatross Necklace 2.0
Place was the theme for the second issue of Scroll Magazine. This article was my first attempt at discussing Place and how it effects our lives. The article that was run was very different than this, but here it is in it’s original form in all it’s nonsensical glory.