iPhone IR Photography
The iPhone and other smart phones have infrared sensitive photo sensors. This is a tutorial about how to take beautiful IR photos on your smart phone.
eSIM only iPhone
With the launch of the iPhone14, the writing is on the wall for SIM cards. While that’s great for somethings, Iceland’s Single Sign-On service is about to break!
Text Stats App
Text Stats is an iOS application which can be invoked from any other application to get some basic stats about your text. From word count to reading ease, Text Stats helps improve your writing.
Red Days
We all look forward to the next holiday, now this is an app to help you count the days left until you can relax.
Shine-on you crazy ones!
As our devices get more and more advanced hardware, we can be wasteful with the processing power to create better experiences for the customers. The leap from command line to clickable desktop wasted thousands of pixels to always represent a trash car that’s rarely used. Now Apple has pushed back again and is wasting processing power and sensors to simulate reflections and lighting conditions in the interface. Is it wasteful, yes, is it a good idea, probably, have their raised the bar, definitely, but have they done it right?