2014 World Cup Visualization
With the World Cup finishing, there’s a lot of data out there to visualize. Here is our take on Goals scored and conceded, with all the PHP generating SVG code Open Sourced for you to play with.
Week #178
It is summertime and the livin’ is easy. We’ve spend some time this week building-up some prototypes, looking for vendors and researching.
New York City, NY, USA
New York City. With all its sights, sounds and smells there is so much to take-in in such a short amount of time.
Week #177
This week has been about hustling. Getting organized and working on proposals. It is a fine balance to find where your next invoice will come from and doing the work. The freelancer’s hunter/gatherer life-style hit hard this week.
Lisbon, Portugal
We love Lisbon. We’ve gone there for events, just about every other year. We’ve tapped some of their greatest talent to work on projects with us and we’re partnering artisans to create some of our physical products. This is a look at the city and its culture.