
Week #594 & #595

A double weeknote that ends with the closing of the office for summer.

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Jomon Pottery

Beautiful 4-5000 year old pottery from Japan sparked an interest in recreating them using 3D printers.

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Week #590, #591, #592 & #593

The last few weeks got away from us. From travel and jetlag to workloads and public holidays, our fridays disappeared! Here is a weeknote recap of the last four weeks. Week #590 This week we published an overview of our backup process. This was both to solicit any feedback, but also let others know where […]

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We all know we should have backups, but what are you actually doing about it? Here is our setup and, as always, there are improvements to be made.

Read more about Backups

Week #587, #588, #589

A triple weeknote, ’cause we got busy and were out of the office. Week #589 was mostly spent in Venice checking out Iceland’s submission to the biennale.

Read more about Week #587, #588, #589