HALT Addiction Relapse
The last few years have been difficult on people in various different ways. H.A.L.T. is an acronym worth keeping in mind to help get you through.
Week #610-#611
A double weeknote as we progress on a few projects and spend some time exploring our own little camera app.
Color Name Abstractions
How we name a color affects our perception. Knowing this can influenced your decision next time you’re looking for a color name.
Week #607, #608, #609
A triple weeknote because last Friday the office was closed. Week #607 This week’s namesakes are: number 607 is a prime number and sum of three consecutive primes (197 + 199 + 211) and 607 Jenny, a minor planet. This week was lots of internal tasks. We worked more on the Hyperion project and update […]
eSIM only iPhone
With the launch of the iPhone14, the writing is on the wall for SIM cards. While that’s great for somethings, Iceland’s Single Sign-On service is about to break!