

A brief overview of what’s been happening in the company each week. The number of the weeknote is how many weeks old the company is since inception.


Week #148-149

A busy two weeks saw some interesting blog posts as well as a crazy umbrella design and jukeboxes.

Read more about Week #148-149

Week #146-147

These last two weeks have been launch focused. Getting some software that has been months in development finally get the green light. Lots of surprises and delights this week too, from postcards to oranges.

Read more about Week #146-147

Week #145

A week strangely influenced by food. From eating to experimenting, we’ve seen our fair share of things we probably didn’t need to know were possible. It sparked debates and ideas!

Read more about Week #145

Week #143-144

A little over 13,400km (8300 miles) travelled this fortnight. What an adventure and busy two weeks.

Read more about Week #143-144

Week #142

As week 142 comes to an end and an uneventful halloween passes us by. We’re planning for a busy November.

Read more about Week #142