First Word Instance
There is a twitter bot called @NYT_first_said which pretty much does what it says on the tin. Tweets words when they appear in the New York Times for the first time. @NYT_first_said It seems to be a pretty straight-forward bit of code. It gets new articles published daily. Then splits the text into words. It […]
Text Stats App
Text Stats is an iOS application which can be invoked from any other application to get some basic stats about your text. From word count to reading ease, Text Stats helps improve your writing.
Linnaeus Floral Clock
It took over 250 years to fully realize Carl Linnaeus’ idea of a clock of blooming flowers. You can now download for your Apple Watch a simple flower complication to help you tell the time.
Red Days
We all look forward to the next holiday, now this is an app to help you count the days left until you can relax.