


Week #698 & #699

Another double weeknote. We’ve been heads down on 2-3 projects and looking to develop our own products further to generate some passive income.

Read more about Week #698 & #699

Week #687 & #688

This was a double weeknote with a lot of task juggling. On any given day, we’d touch 3-4 different client projects. It was fun, but exhausting.

Read more about Week #687 & #688

Week #670 & #671

The last double weeknote for 02023. We’re taking a much deserved holiday break and will be back in the new year.

Read more about Week #670 & #671

Week #640 & #641

A double weeknote, mostly focusing on SpellStruck.

Read more about Week #640 & #641

Week #636 & #637

A double weeknote as we approach a very busy month of May!

Read more about Week #636 & #637