


Color Symbols

Alternative symbols for colors is a very interesting idea. Offering a non-color based solution for conveying information is always interesting. There are plenty of solutions including thickness, styles or even shape. That’s exactly what colorAdd does, offer shaped alternatives.

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Accessible Color Swatches

When dealing with charts and graphs it is important to select the right set of colors. Not only for brand awareness, but for other reasons such as accessibility, printability, contrast, maximum understanding and recognition. In this article, I will give you some pointers to finding the best possibly set of colors to be used in your design.

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Maximum Color Contrast

If you are using deterministic color generation, then it runs the full spectrum of possible colors as results. To handle the good, the bad and the ugly colors, you need to be able to determine and adjust complimenting text and backgrounds to create the maximum contrast and readability. These are a few quick and simple functions that can help.

Read more about Maximum Color Contrast

HLS World Map

There are several algorithms out there to programatically generate a color from text, but this takes it one step further and generates a color based on a physical location.

Read more about HLS World Map