A brief overview of what’s been happening in the company each week. The number of the weeknote is how many weeks old the company is since inception.
Week #196-203
A massive two month weeknote. Probably the longest short post we’ve done. Now the deck is clear for the new year.
Week #194-195
A double-weeknote where we spent most of it in Berlin for the Beyond Tellerrand conference, but also focusing closely on conducting a few surveys.
Week #191-192-193
A triple weeknote that is already behind schedule. A quick look at the last three weeks and a trip to Oslo, Norway for Webdagene conference.
Week #189-190
A double weeknote that spans a quarter. Some exciting news, projects and grant proposals. We’ve been very busy gearing-up for 02015.
Week #185-186-187-188
We totally dropped the ball this month with our regular updates, but we wrote it all down so we wouldn’t forget! Here it is, our four week, monthnote in all its glory.