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Near future of sports from a spectator’s point of view

How we attend and watch sporting events will change due to the use and prevalence of technology and the ubiquitousness of connectivity. As we carry around more and more sophisticated mobile phones that are always on and always connected to the Internet, the way we as spectators will view sporting events, gather information and make decisions is going to change drastically.

This is an exploration of some technological changes and challenges in the near future framed within the contexts of being a spectator at sporting events. At the end of the day, the biggest advances needed won’t be in the hardware realm, but instead with interface design. The shear amount of data available to be mined needs to be done in a fast and simple way and on small devices the task gets even harder.

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2× Paper

2× Paper is an attempt at double packing the amount of data into a single unit of area. There are several possible ways to increase information density, some are more realistic than others. This is an exploration of using simple and existing tools to deal with isolating information density.

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Phase Transition

A phase transition is the point at which enough energy is introduced or taken away from a system for the contents to change state. The concept of a phase transition has been co-opted by other disciplines beyond its original definition from chemistry. It refers to the point at which things reach a critical change, the narrative of the before and after. In much the same way as in chemistry, this change could be caused by pressure, temperature or free energy. It is such a complete metamorphosis that the outcome is hardly recognizable from the previous incarnation.

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