Week #676 & #677

Friday, February 2nd, 02024 at 13:31 UTC

Not a whole lot to discuss this last fortnight. We’ve been heads-down on projects which means a tight, deep focus rather than a wide net to catch interesting ideas.

Week #676

This week was mostly grinding out on projects. We’ve been prepping for next month’s survey, working on a prototype project and dusting off a few older projects.

It doesn’t leave a lot of room to research, side-projects or exploration. This is the ebb and flow of projects. In a few of weeks things will be quiet again and we’ll be back to internal projects and probably wishing we had more external projects again.

Week #677

On Monday, we had a PETAL team sync. This is another survey side-projects we been working with our old friend Si Jobling. We’re at a good point and will soon be expanding the circle from just ourselves to a few more people for feedback.

We continue on with our prototyping project. Marking out a few tasks for each week’s sprint. But with every stone we over-turn, we find three more. Which is a good problem, but not if you have a deadline. The customer is happy we’re helping find and flush out all these problems, but we’d prefer a little more discussion and feedback. Everyone is busy trying to run with the idea and wearing lots of hats at the same time until things are a bit more settled.

On Wednesday, we found out why communications were lacking. It seems this new startup imploded. As of Thursday night, we’re back on the project after having access to everything revoked. Friday we’re finally going to have a team sync and hopefully get back on track, only loosing 1-2 days.

This week we sent out our ◍ Quarternotes 02024Q1 newsletter. We’ve setup a good cadence for publishing quarterly about what’s been going on. There is a good working template of what we expect in each edition with a sprinkling of interesting topics.

A potential new Australian API integrations project came-up this week. We’re scheduling a meeting to see if we can help. The two pieces of software that need to talk to each other don’t seem to have an open API, which is a bit of a red flag, but we’ll see where this leads. It might be a case of ‘export a csv from one’, massage and augment the data, then ‘upload a csv’ to the other. Plain text to rule the world!


Back in 02011, we wrote about the symbol for Protected Cultural Property. Which lead to another crazy t-shirt idea. It certain culturally important items are suppose to be protected at all costs, it would make sense to get yourself onto that list!