Week #610
This was a busy week for writing. We sent out the ⪮ Good Morning s01e10 newsletter and published another article about Color Name Abstractions. Prepped this weeknote and another article for week #612.
The next VR headset to attempt to unseat the Oculus dropped. The Pico 4 now owned by ByteDance is available in Europe and Asia (not the US yet).
We sent two things off to the printers this week. This is always stressful because there are endless things that can go wrong. Missing fonts, incorrect cropping on the bleed, hole punches & dye cuts, colors, paper quality, etc. We had a few tests made and things went well, we caught a few errors then sent off the final versions.
They came back better than expected and we’ve been packaging up some products for retail. But more on that once it’s in stores.
Print Projects
As always, we continue working and supporting the Hyperion project. We have a big deadline the day after US Thanksgiving, which really means the big deadline is the week before! We’re on track and our contributions have been rolled into the project and we can proceed onto the next steps.
This week was also some news from CERN and the LHCb. That reminded us about the trip we took to the LHCb in CERN back in 02013 to help recreate the Line Mode Browser, one of the first tools to browse the nascent Web.
Week #611

We’ve been playing with a fun little camera app for iOS. It takes 4 pictures with a slight timed delay. Unlike an analog camera where you press the shutter button and it takes 4 consecutive pictures into the future, our digital version is saving a few seconds of footage in the past. When you press our digital shutter button, you get the photo from now and the past not into the future. It takes some wrapping your head around, but it has been a fun project and we’re continuing to make tweaks improving in small iterations. This week we added animated GIF output and properly detected the device’s orientation to rotate the output images accordingly.
It was a big Apple software drop this week: iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and macOS all got a big bump. That means backing everything up just in case and spending an evening upgrading devices in the downtime. We have just one desktop computer left, then we’ve committed to this next technological leap.
We continue with the Hyperion work. It’s going well and we continue closer and closer to our next milestone. One day we’ll be able to talk about the details, but we’re still under NDA until it is released!
It became official that Elon Musk bought Twitter. No one is expecting this to be a good idea. Both from a ‘free-speech’ but also conflicts of interest. Elon wants to sell more Tesla cars in China, but China doesn’t want to censor Twitter, which business gets the priority?
13 years ago, in 02009, we wrote about how we saw PST becoming the new GMT. More online events were labelled as happening PST (US West Coast – Pacific Standard Time). In the time in-between it has continued to be that way, although not growing more in popularity since.
Back in 02013, it was our weeknote #141. It was simpler times and we had several projects on the go and transitioning technologies from PHP to Python.