Hello, this is the (optional.is) quarterly newsletter. Mostly the thoughts of Brian Suda.
02025Q1 REYKJAVIK: It's the start of a new year. We've got a few projects brewing and a few more on the horizon.
🔔💪🏻🏋️ Ring in the New Year
"Ring" in the New Year literally comes from ye olden days when the church bells would ring to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
During the Victorian era (01837-01901), bell-ringing competitions grew in popularity. Practicing ringing a multi-ton metal bell by pulling on ropes created noise and confusion. The solution was to replace the bells with logs. These stand-ins were called "dumbbells", which we still use today.
Q4 Writing
In Q4, we published one article, two weeknotes and maintained our newsletter schedule with one ◍ Quarternotes and a ⪮ Good Morning episode each month.
On Newsletter Publishing
⪮ Good Morning Newsletter Season 3
s03e10: Mavens & the Macabre
s03e11: Biomonitors and Super-smellers
s03e12: Time Eddies
📰 optional.is/newsletter/
🗓 optional.is/required/category/weeknotes
📡 optional.is/feeds/
⁉️🤔 That's Interesting!
We were listening to an interview about copywriting when they mentioned a 01971 paper by Murry S. Davis called That's Interesting!
We tracked down the PDF online. It's pretty academic, but he explains how to make your theories interesting!
We've all been taught about the inverted pyramid method of writing - going from specific to broad, but that doesn't make something "interesting".
"An interesting proposition is one which denies some aspect of the assumption-ground of its audience."
Davis argues that to be interesting, take long-held common knowledge and show how the opposite is true.
📰✍🏻 Betteridge's law of headlines

"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
This is based on the assumption that if the publishers were confident that the answer was yes, they would have phrased the headline as a statement. By presenting it as a question, they avoid accountability for its accuracy.
See Also: Clickbait
🏢 🕰 Office Hours
Over the last year, we’ve made use of people’s gracious open office hours. We’ve booked sessions with people we admire and had some amazing and informative chats.
Our open office hours are:
- Monday evenings: 21-22:00 UTC for the Americas
- Friday mornings: 9-11:00 UTC for Europe
Hopefully, we’ll be able to reconnect with more old friends, meet new folks, and have more interesting and engaging conversations.
🗓 Book a time to chatMerch
😀📅 Emoji Calendar. This is a free app to countdown to the next holiday with simple two-glyph emojis. Available for iOS and Apple Watch.
Red Days: Holiday Countdown. This is a free app to countdown to the next public holiday. Available for iOS and Apple Watch.
Print ready A0 annual wall calendar PDF. An open-source project to download and print at a local print shop yourself. Stay 📦 organized and stay 🤪 sane.
Prototypes to Products.
(optional.is) works with teams to realize their ideas. From workshops to prototypes to products, we're there to help. With over 10+ years experience working with small to enterprise companies, we have a unique perspective on what's possible.
Contact us and say hello. 👋🏻