Good Morning

Sep 02024
⪮ Good Morning :: ⪮ s03e09: By the numbers
No Drones is the new No Smoking!

☠️🧪 Micromorts

A micromort represents a one-in-a-million chance of dying. It helps quantify the risk associated with different activities and their potential impact on our mortality.

For instance, running a marathon is 7 micromorts, whereas going for a swim is 12 micromorts.

Abstract No One: The First Ever Paint-By-Numbers Kit
Abstract No One: The First Ever Paint-By-Numbers Kit

🎨🖼️ Paint By Numbers

In the 01950s, Dan Robbins created a kit that allowed people to paint without any prior painting skills. Simply filling in the areas with the corresponding colors created a decent piece of art.

He was inspired by a story that Leonardo da Vinci did the same with his apprentices.

Three Series of Simon Singh's Numbers

In 02002, Dr. Simon Singh selected his favorite five numbers and created a series of short 15-minute radio episodes about their social and scientific history and significance.

The series was so popular that he followed it up with two more covering a range of topics from pi to infinity (literally) and beyond!

BBC Radio 4: Simon Singh's Numbers

Simon Singh's Website

🎲🎲 History of Dice

Dice are thought to be around 8,000 years old. The first known six-sided dice, in the same configuration we use today, were found in Mesopotamia dating to around 1300 BC.

The pip/dot pattern, where opposite sides add up to seven (one opposite six, two opposite five, and three opposite four), predates the introduction of Arabic numerals by centuries.