⪮ Good Morning

Happy New Year and welcome to Season 3 of ⪮ Good Morning. This episode covers four "aha" ... interesting ... moments we've had recently.

Human wormholes
We recently learnt that Charlie Chaplin’s (01889) daughter Geraldine Chaplin plays the nanny in 5th Jurassic Park movie: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (02018).
Then we remembered you can watch a video filmed in 01956 on YouTube of Mr. Samuel J. Seymour, born March 28, 01860. He was the last living eyewitness to the assassination of the 16th President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater.
Or that Harrison Ruffin Tyler, born in 01928, is the living grandson of John Tyler (born 01790), the 10th President of the United States.
Jason Kottke called these "Great Spans". He also cites three US Civil War widows who lived into the 02000s, two of them collecting their husbands' pensions until their deaths.
Kottke.org - Human wormholes and the Great Span
Last Witness to President Abraham Lincoln Assassination
Harrison Ruffin Tyler, Grandson of 10th president of the United States.

This is the ancient Japanese art of paper marbling. Using ink and solvent, you alternate drops into water, creating amazing patterns on the surface.
Using alternating drops of ink and solvent, it's possible to create amazing patterns on the water's surface.
The Art of Suminagashi Japanese Marbling
Artist Jeppe K. Ringsted making Suminagashi + Serigraphy in puddles around the world.

🎩🪵 Lincoln Logs
Lincoln Logs were invented around 01916 by John Lloyd Wright. At the time, he was working in Japan with his father, the infamous Frank Lloyd Wright, on the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.
The toy was inspired by the architecture of the foundation of the hotel which was designed with interlocking log beams, to make the structure "earthquake-proof".
These were the first toys thought to be marketed to both boys and girls as simple and fun.
Lincoln Logs on Wikipedia
Official Lincoln Log Site

Digital artist, Paul Pfeiffer, uses a technique to digitally camouflage people from video frames. He removes players from sporting events, creating an eerie atmosphere where players are removed from the game, and we watch their bodies struggle.
From ‘Caryatid’ series (2004 onwards) by Paul Pfeiffer
New York Times