Good Morning

Feb 02022
⪮ Good Morning :: ⪮ s01e02: Capture unique memories forever
Neon Filters of Óðinstorg, Reykjavik ICELAND

Smart Phone Photography

There is no denying that smart phone photography is a thing! We have a DSLR and smaller mirrorless camera, but by orders-of-magnitude more we use the smart phone camera.

The best camera is the one you have with you!

So for all the imperfections a smart phone camera has compared to others, its major benefit is that it's always available.

When all smart phone owners are photographers, it changes citizen journalism, turns a light to injustices, and creates a mountain of digital baby pictures you'll rarely revisit.

We're always on the lookout for ways to improve our camera phone photography, from tips and tools, to new apps. But the #1 way to improve is just to keep shooting, trying new things, and experimenting. It is virtually free to take as many photos as you can and learn from that experience, hone your skills and find your style.

Stealing Satoshi's Soul

Carolyn J. Marr, author of American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, explains a change in Native Americans' attitudes towards photography from the late 19th to the early 20th century.

At first, many Native Americans were wary of having their photograph taken and often refused. They believed that the process could steal a person's soul and disrespected the spiritual world.

Over time, however, some Native Americans came to cherish photographs as links to ancestors and even integrated them into important ceremonies.

Recently, NHK World had an English program called Finding Satoshi ( It was about the 14 year quest to complete the Perplex City card game by finding a man by using only a single photo.

At the time, Satoshi thought nothing of letting them use his photo and have people hunt for him. Now, he probably wouldn't.

With reverse image search and facial recognition AI, maybe the Native Americans were right. The camera is stealing our souls.

Shoot and Edit Otherworldly Photos in Night Mode with Maria Lax

This is an 8-minute video showing some creative and interesting ways to shoot at night on iPhone (or any smart phone really).

Camera Phone Filters

The filters demonstrated in the YouTube video above only cost a couple of bucks to pick up a set.

The Rosco Cinegel swatchbook ($2.50) or LEE Filters Swatch Book Designers Edition ($6) is an easy way to get started and broaden your regular photography processes.

20 year old camera phones

This is a short video of the singer Shakira experiencing a camera phone for the first time. The year is probably 02002 (20 years ago)!

At first is amazement, then the reality of what that means for her quickly sets in.