The longest day of the year has passed, we're mid way to 02017 already. A quick look back at the last quarter, then time to wash-off the old, and look into the future.
The Anthropocene is the proposed epoch that occurred when human activity started to impact the global ecosystem. These rocks are just two examples of that which will remain as part of the geologic record for centuries to come.
The artist Marlon de Azambuja has created some amazing works. Including a series of real-world extrusions using many rolls of colored tape. The results make you re-think what you are seeing and give you a new perspective as you walk around town.
Our latest app for the iPhone. A holiday countdown so you know when's the next day to relax.
We are currently in the Old Icelandic Month of sólmánuður, which translates as "sun month". Each month was exactly 30 days long, but that only accounted for 360 days. This was because each month always started on the same week day.
The next month is sumarauki, or "Summer Extra". This year it is only 4 days long. That gives a total of 364 days. So every 6 or 7 years the old Icelandic calendar had a "leap week" to get back on track with the gregorian calendar.