Shipping Forecast

Read-out on BBC Radio 4, the Shipping Forecast covers the weather around the UK and Ireland for ships and boats. The listenership far outweights the intended audience.

This is a small mindfulness app that fetches and read the current shipping forecast.

Relax and listen to the repetative, almost poetic feel of the weather report while letting your cares disappear.

Download on the App Store

Privacy Policy

While the app asks for access to read and write mindfulness minutes to the Health app, we are only using the write to give you credit according to the length of the shipping forecast, and read access to display an ever growing wave pattern for your total mindfulness minutes that day.

Perceptive Media

In an appempt to explore the concept of perceptive media, we've made the Shipping Forecasts flexible in the amount of time it reads back the forecast.

By expanding or contracting as needed we take the same conceptual text and read back at three different lengths depending on your available time or the amount you'd like to relax.


Stay in Touch

  • (
    Laufásvegur 26
    101 Reykjavík
  • Phone: +354.868.0795
    kt. 470211-1130
    VAT №. 108875



We follow the AIGA's position on speculative work and do not engage in work for free with the chance of getting paid.

Floral Sticker

It is 10:03 in Reykjavík, Iceland and the Swamp Rose Mallow blooms.